Trick Rider Restaurant Logo
Sydna Yokley Woodyard performs tricks on her horse

About Trick Rider

Located at Omni PGA Frisco, Trick Rider is a world-class restaurant that draws inspiration from the legendary Sydna Yokley Woodyard, a champion rodeo trick rider and founder of The American Quarter Horse Association. Trick Rider is not just a restaurant, but an immersive experience that celebrates the rich history of trick riding.

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Sydna Yokley Woodyard performs tricks on her horse
Several large cuts of steak rest of a cutting board along with prongs and a large knife
A whisky cocktail sits near the edge of a granite countertop

Proper Attire Required

Trick Rider enforces a strict upscale dress code. We do not allow beachwear, gym attire including sweatpants, sweatshirts or hoodies. Athletic apparel, jerseys, hats, beanies, bandanas, ball caps, oversized or baggy clothing, tank tops, and sleeveless shirts are prohibited. No excessively revealing clothing or clothing with offensive language will be allowed. Clothing emitting offensive odors is not permitted to be worn anywhere on the property.
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